Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It takes two

Before having children, I never knew how much I would appreciate being able to sleep in on the weekends, have an uninterrupted night of sleep.  I remember complaining because I had to get up and get ready for work.  Feeling like I did not get any sleep at all.  I was so rested.  
Sleep is so important to so many things.  Having a lack of sleep can effect, concentration, the ability to "keep your cool," weight loss, and so much more.  
With the receint weight gain I have had, I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, adn I have to wear a mask at night to keep my oxygen level at night up.  Which is great when I get a full night of uninterruped sleep.  What a great feeling.  I feel refreshed.  But that does not happen often.
With the kids getting up, I am unable to wear my mask all night, even half of the night.  I am so tired most of the time that it is hard for me to really be a good mom.  I have been working on getting more sleep but that is hard to do most of the time. 
With all of the struggles I am going through my husband has been wonderful to help me out.  He is really stepping up to make it so that I can get some sleep.  I don't know what I would do without him.  We are such a team.  He understands and does his best to make sure that I can start to get back into a routine.  I try to make sure he can sleep in on the weekends and help him out that way.    Having children is a hard job and it requires both parents.  I have to say I don't know how single parents do it.

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