Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Storms of Life

So I was thinking yesterday, something that is not so easily done at times but I try. I was watching a rain storm, it blew in quickly, rained hard, and blew out just as quickly. What a blessing, with summer and high temperatures here, it watered my garden, watered the grass, how much good it did. At the same time it started to flood parking lots and streets, brought in some tornado warnings. How can something so good, also do so much destruction.

By looking at the storm, and thinking about what was around me I realized that so many blessings in life are this way. Look at our children. What a blessing - unconditional love, hugs, kisses - they are truly something to be grateful for. On the other hand - what a big destruction of your body, your house, your sanity and your patience. Same can be said for animals, and other people in your life. But if you choose to look at them in that way, nothing good can or will come out of it. Everything in live has the good, the bad and the ugly attached to it. It is how you choose to look at it, and how you choose to handle it that will make the difference.

With everything there is good and bad. With every storm there is destruction and there are blessings. The challenge is to find the blessings. With the water, it provides life. It gives us something our body needs to continue going. It allows us to become clean, and clean things like dishes and laundry. It is a source of entertainment. It quenches thirst. It helps our food grow. We could not live without water. In the same breath you can say it destroys life. Too much water can hurt plants, can cause death, can cause destruction. Look at hurricanes, so much destruction comes with them.

The challenge is to take the bad and find the good. Take the people that are a challenge for you and find the good in them. We have been giving the choice of free will, lets us it to change the world.

Take the rain storm, while there was destruction, leaves and branches down in my back yard, toys moved, there was a lot of good that came out of it. The plants got water they need to grow. It cooled down outside. What a blessing.

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