Friday, June 27, 2008

Changing perspective

My children know how to make mommy so mad. Push each and every button. Fustrate me. Make me wonder why I choose to become a mother. Each day make me wonder about every decision I have made the past couple of years. Each day is a struggle... Guess what, it is the most amazing experience in my life. I have never been so angry, so sad, so happy, so fustrated, so excited, so proud, and the list goes on and on. Each day I experience most if not all of these emotions.

I ask for a break, but when I am away I wonder what they are doing. I am amazed every day what they can do and how they learned it.

Children are amazing. Watching them experience new things. The every day experience that I take for granted makes me feel great, to watch them through the eyes of my children. To experience things new again, is an experience only a parent can relate to. To have the trust, the love, the amazement that a child has is an amazing experience.

God does this to remind us not to take for granted what we have. To see the amazing creatures, and things that are in this world. Looking at the moon before we had children was nothing special.... but now to see the different shapes is amazing. To see how one night it is so bright and the next not so much. The different colors it can be. Or taking a look at the falling leaves. Before kids they were a burden. You had to clean them up. They got into gutters, and were slippery. They never seem to end. Watching the eyes of my son light up to experience the different colors it is amazing. Playing in a freshly raked pile is so much fun. The laughter, the smiles it is all worth it.

When you start feeling like the magic is out of every day life, try looking at the day through a new perspective... ones of a child.

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