Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finding Yourself

Looking around there is so much that I see.  I like to observe others.  I hate hurting others, yet I have let others run me over and not take care of myself.  This is not a good feeling.  I know that there has to be something that I can do to change my life around.

I know that I need to find a way to stick up for myself with out taking away the true me.  I know that is not going to be easy.  I have always had people running over me and that is something that has caused me to have many difficult years.

Now it is the time to change my life.  Now is the time for me to finally realize that I deserve so much more.  I am a good person, and through prayer I have seen that.  I deserve to be treated well, I just have to believe that I am the person that I say I am.

I know that changing my life needs to start with me.  I need to start with what I am doing.  I have started taking care of myself.  I am exercising, and eating right.  That is the first and most important step that I need to take to change my life.

The time is now to change your life, if you are not happy, what is stopping you?

Remember to reach for the moon, if you do you may just land on a star.

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