Monday, August 24, 2009

How Much Is Too Much

Those who trust in riches will be ruined, but a good person will be healthy like a green leaf
Proverbs 11:28
As a mother we want to give everything to our children.  I have found in my life that giving everything to my children is more technology and possession based.  It is amazing how quickly we come to rely on possessions for just about everything.
I know that I am guilty of this.  It seems that I get one thing and want more and more.  Nothing seems to satisfy me, or make me feel as if I have achieved my goals.  I see something new advertised and I want it.  I feel a need driven to have it.  
When I am able to get this object that I want to so bad it feels great at first, but that feeling is a novelty that wears off.  To feel good I need to purchase more and more.  This is not a good feeling at all.  It leave me feeling empty when all is said and done.
Learning not to trust in the possessions that are around us is one of the hardest lessons that one can learn.  This is a lesson that, once it is learned so many wonderful feelings and emotions fill your heart.  Learning that you do not need to purchase things, but to rely on what you have and the wonders that God give you is one of the important jobs we can do. 
As a mother this is one of the lessons that not only do I need to learn for myself but I also want to learn so I can pass it along to my children.  Having my children learn how to trust to God for happiness will be the best and most important lesson as a mother I can teach them.

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