Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Been a while

The past couple of months I have got away from everything, and I have noticed, that a few things were missing.  One was the church, so my lenten promis to myself was to make church a priority again in my life.  I did that.  I started to go weekly.  Not only that, but I am bringing my 4 year old son as well to get him into the wonderful habit of going weekly to church.
I have to admit there are times I want to give up, and I wish I would have started taking him sooner.  I am glad that he joins me and that for the most part he is so good while we are there.
I have also got away from my blogs.... and I miss them.  I am looking for the best way to get back into blogging, and I decided that there is no better time or day than today.

My son on the 1st Day of school

Today is going to be bitter sweet for me.  My son will be "graduating" from preschool.  Yes he will be going again next year, but it means that he will have finished his first year of school.  Looking back I remember the weeks leading up to the first day being so scared that he would not want to go.  He loved it from the first day!  I came the first day for his open house, and we walked in and he asked me why I was coming in with him.  He transistioned so well.
Now his school year has come to an end.  He will have an ice cream social to end out the year.  I am so proud of him.  He is doing great with starting to write his name and everything he should be doing.  I am also grateful that he has one more year of preschool...  I know that this will help him so he does wonderful and grows as the next year approaches!

The red shirt was from 08.  The green shirt is 09
I also started him in soccer last year.  We spent almost the entire year begging him to play on the field.  Most of the time when he finally got on the field he would sit and pick flowers and the grass.  This year is completely different.  He is participating the entire game.  He only comes in for a drink when the coaches tell him to.  He has even scored goals in a few games.  What a difference a year makes.  I am so very proud of him and everything that he has done this year. 
Tonight is his last soccer game.  I am going to be sad to see the season end.  I am grateful that all of the kids get trophies in this league.  As they get older they sould only get the trophies when they are winners.  I don't think that every person should get one.  But I do have to say at the younger ages of 3 , 4, and 5 as they are learning they should have positive re-inforcement and that is what the trophy will do for them.

Today is going to be so different.  My son is growing up so fast.  I can remember the shy little boy who would never leave mommy's side, and now he is growing up.  Playing with other kids and starting to become a little person who is slowly starting to not need his mommy any more.  It is wonderful to see the confidence that I have given to him.  See how he is developing his own little personality.  It is also difficult to realise that every year he is going to need me less and less!